Thursday, November 11, 2010

Who farted?????

Ok sisters, sorry I haven't been as diligently posting as you guys have. So, after reading Jen's hilarious post about getting lost (if you haven't read it, please read it before reading the rest of my post as the following references will not make sense if you don't) I had to include this clip because for those that don't understand Mrs. Skitene (how the frick do you spell her name? I need to ask Mom) aka Mrs. Skiddin aka our childhood bus driver, THIS is her night job. Not even a night job, sometimes she did this with us ON the bus! Kraig saw me watching this video on youtube and said, "Why on earth are you watching that video?" And I said, "You don't understand, they put my bus driver on youtube." And he gave me a puzzled look. I then explained to him that one morning as we were waiting for our bus to come pick us up, we heard it and saw it coming and then all of a sudden heard this noise, it was deafening really, it sounded like a machine gun. DUHDUDHDUDHDUDHDUDHDUDHDUDHDHDUDHD. My sisters and I all looked at each other completely puzzled, only to see that once the bus had rounded the corner that the street sign on the corner was bent in half. The machine gun noise was the street sign hitting every window down the side of the bus. Observe, our former bus driver:

You know what else is funny, Jen and I swear that we had to ride that bus for years. YEARS! We had to put up with people peeing on that bus, Candice germs (another post for another day) and street signs getting hit, but according to Mom we only rode it for a few months. It couldn't have only been a few months....could it?
Anyway, my story has relevance here, I promise. I was on my way to a job interview earlier this week when the fricken google map directions were taking me all over the place. In fact, the last few times I've used google map directions, they've gotten me lost. Why? Because instead of saying, "TURN LEFT" they say "KEEP LEFT" which would mean that there's probably like a fork in a road, not a stop light right? Anyway, after going two blocks past my turn I realize that I have to turn around, where a very pretty light blue Volkswagen bug is tailing me and honking repeatedly because I'm driving so slow trying to read the street signs. So I finally end up in this parking lot where I accidently parked in the parking lot which clearly stated "NO PARKING. GOVERNMENT VEHICLES ONLY!" Don't ask me how I missed that sign the first 2 times I drove by it, and then parked right next to it. Anyway, I decided I should move my vehicle in case my possible future employer saw me parking there. So, as I'm making a U-turn in the tiny "customer" parking lot, I accidently hit my horn. Honking it right into the front door of the building at 7:59 a.m. Oopsie. No one noticed right? Except for that guy on his cell phone in a parked car. But, he's on his cell phone. I park my car as this man is walking up to my car and standing outside the door. I open it and casually ask if he's the man I'm supposed to be meeting for my interview. He nods, and says, "I saw you in the lobby and then you dissappeared...." I was waiting for him to say, "To park your car and honk your horn into the lobby...." but he refrained.

The interview went ok, but I won't know for 2 weeks whether or not I got the job. When I got home that day, I decided to edit/upload some new videos on my youtube channel, and ran across an astonishing number of videos of news anchors and politicians supposedly farting on live tv. All of them are fake, but seriously, Hillary Clinton farting during a live debate got over 5 million hits. I admit, one of those 5 million was mine but the amount of comments and laughter is hilarious to me. I guess no one is too old to laugh at a fart joke. Ok, this has nothing to do with being late or getting lost but I had to include that little tidbit.


  1. Ohh, yea. I hear ya on making a bad impression on interviewers. i called the bakery for the third time yesterday to ask if they had looked at my resume and ask can i please have a job.

    i had to ask for the head of the cake department, whose name i'm still unsure of, though i think it is Snezana (serbic?). so, i ask for this lady -- whose name i just say really fast in hopes that they'll understand me without discerning ignorance -- and they go get her and put her on the phone and answers, "cAKES," in a way that would frighten even the most grizzly sloppy-jo-slapping lunch lady. i'm so nervous that i can hardly eek out my name, but i manage, and give my speech, saying that iturnedinmyresumelastweekandwaswonderingifyouhadthechancetolookoveritandwhenmightmaybebeagoodtimetodoan..."I'm havin a really hard time HEARING you," she interrupts me. Well, i'd gone into megamumbles mode from nervousness (which i was afraid of doing, and had tried to speak more loudly than usual, but apparently it wasn't enough). So i repeat all that again for her just to tell me, in an irritated eastern european accent that she just got back from out of town. right, i knew that, but i was told i should call tuesday. and it's now wednesday, i am thinking, but instead i say, "ahhh ok. great." and she says call back later in the week. mmm ok, bye bye for now. you have a nice one sneezy sneezy, that's what they said i should call her in lieu of my inability to understand/pronounce her name.

    but, you never said, how did the actual interview go?

    anyways, don't you know kal, farting is and will always be funny. PERIOD

  2. Hey! Oh, I"m sorry....that sounds horrible. Are you sure you want to work there with a crazy eastern european boss???? I'd be frightened. My interview went fine, the guy was pretty intimidating though. He told me that my driving record looked pretty bad. I got 4 speeding tickets all in 2007 (which I also put all of them on my application, and wasn't lying about any of them) and haven't had one since but if I got this job, I'd be driving a government vehicle so they don't really look kindly on people that have gotten speeding tickets even if they all happened 3 years ago. He also said I get no sick leave, no holiday leave, no benefits (which doesn't really affect me because I already get good benefits because of the military) and the only way I can call in sick to work is if I'm dying in a hospital bed. Um.....ok. Sounds pleasant doesn't it? But...the pay is over $21/hr, that's the only thing that attracted me to this job honestly. I would never make that much money teaching. Ever. Kraig and I would actually be able to start paying off some of his loans if I got this job, not just make minimum payments every month. The good thing is, if I do get this job, I would still be able to go to WA for xmas because paperwork and processing me into the system would take over a month! isn't that insane! And, I won't find out for 2-2.5 weeks whether or not I got the job. So...I don't know. They're interviewing 10 other people for the job though, so...we'll see.
