Thursday, December 9, 2010

Invisible Incommunicado

I will admit I have a tendency to snoop. What woman doesn't- especially when it's in regards to your sisters? So on a weekly basis I usually browse K&J's Facebook Walls- some may call it "creeping"- to see what "Nerd Exchanges" I may have missed. I sometimes read them & can't help but lol (and for the record that is the ONLY time you will see me use lol)!

The funny thing about it is that I don't even remember the sentinal event that lead our family to call K&J  "the nerds". I think it had something to do with setting rabbit traps when we lived in the blue house...perhaps one of them can remind me how they came to be.

Exhibit A- Recent Conversation from Kali's Facebook Page:
Kali to Jenna: Did you hear Nicole Richie is pregnant?!
Me: Yah, I can't believe that, Joel Madden is the baby daddy too!
Me: I can't believe she could even get pregnant either, weighing all of like 80 lbs.
Dad: What are you talking about? I saw her in a bikini last week, and she weighs 115. I think she looks good.

Jenna -Dad: yea, i saw her on ET the other night
Kali -Us: Silence

Nerds Incommunicado. Priceless.

And on that note I'd like to post a clip from Kali's Barbie Bachelorette Party that demonstrates the "nerds" in their full glory. Please note: I promise there was little-to-no alcohol consumed for the production of this video.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you ARE such a snoop! I actually don't remember how we started getting called the nerds either. But I "lol" at your rabbit trap comment. I can't believe we never caught any darn rabbits! Or "wabbits" as J would've called them back then :)
