Sunday, November 7, 2010


No, I'm not talking about the computer-aided design program. I'm referring to something I truly feel belongs in the DSM-IV: Creative Attention Deficit Disorder. I have it; it's both a blessing & a curse. For the past few years my New Year's resolution has been to "finish what I start"... apparently I don't take resolutions seriously.
So what am I getting at here? I can't focus!! This is why this wonderful book is on my Christmas list (Brad is hoping it will help me achieve some assemblance of order in my chaotically creative brain & our home):

So how does one prioritize their creative right-brained ways? (Aside: I used to think that I could not label myself as right or left-brained but recently "lefty" seems to be taking a back seat as it's "righty" that brings me more satisfaction.) Do you make lists? That only seems to overwhelm me & it's frustrating when you can't check things off regularly. Any suggestions would be helpful. One thing I do know is that this winter I'm finally going to learn how to sew & I've joined an online Home Ec class:
(I'm just patiently awaiting that sewing machine I requested as an early Christmas gift from mom)

Once I get that bad-boy I'm committed to making all sorts of loveliness: curtains, satchels, ironing board covers, & accessories galore! And I'm very excited to share these creations :) In the meantime I'm totally obsessing about this gorgeous plan I have for our "cozy" kitchen & my FIESTAWARE:

a special thanks to my lovely friend Ellen for snipping out this inspiration

As you can tell I can barely make this post tangible as my mind overfloweth with creative steam....HELP! Am hoping after my much-anticipated girls' trip to SanFran next weekend I will be in full holiday swing and have a new-found focus. I've got holiday goodies to create-- I'll let you know the percentage of planned homemade gifts actually come to fruition.

So that's a wrap. You've now seen posts from WeThree: Lucy & the Invisibles. Cheers to many more in store!


  1. hmm, yes, i too suffer from the same disease. we must've gotten it from mom. it definitely helps to have a designated room for your craft ideas and projects (...a "studio"). i write things down, that helps me to prioritize. i know you said that gets you freaked out - but maybe if you have categories, i.e., "home improvement" projects, "sewing projects" etc., you can go day by day. say, one week you do home improvement, give yourself flexibility within that day for a couple projects under that category, and then the next week you do some sewing. i try to do that with my art research, my artmaking, my music stuff. one day i focus on one effort, the next day i focus on another. that way i don't get freaked out about what i'm NOT doing...the sun's calendar dictates my calendar
