Monday, October 11, 2010

Hi, I'm Kali, the Middle one

So, as the subject states, I am the middle sister. I am 25, recently married and moved way too far away from my family. My husband is in the military, so that explains the move. I am enjoying finding myself though, and finally "leaving the nest" because I feel like I was kind of the last one to do it, because I stayed so close to home through out most of my college life, except for grad school (that whole experience is another post for another day). Anyway, I also write a beauty blog which I will occasionally shamelessly plug, because I love doing it. I am also starting a beauty guru youtube channel, which is still in progress. It really is a lot of fun.

What else can I tell you about myself? I  LOOOOOVE dogs. We have a 3 year old boxer named Theo, he's kind of a menace but we love him very, very much. My older sister has a dog named Willis, he is beyond adorable and probably the sweetest dog on the planet. For someone to say they do NOT like Willis, is like saying they don't like Jesus;  you would immediately feel guilty for saying it.

Ok, that's all for now. This is just the "intro" post, I will try to post something new a few times a week.

1 comment:

  1. Kal, I turned in an application the other day to an animal shelter here in Portland:

    they were so friendly when I went in there...and there were two pugs in harness jackets romping around, i think with their new owners, who were being debriefed.
