Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A New Outlook

So....nearly 7 months ago, I wrote about changing career paths and all the anxiety/pain that would have come along with it. After that post, I decided to jump in head first and apply for a Speech Pathology program in our final resting place aka Arkansas (God willing).

I applied with the knowledge (from another speech pathologist in the area) that the program was very hard to get into, and only accepts 25 applicants a year, but I took my chances....and crashed and burned. I didn't get in. But, when I found out, I wasn't as upset as I thought I'd be. Getting in would mean that I would have to leave my husband nearly 2 months before he was finished with training, and move to Arkansas alone and hit the books. The thought of it actually made me queasy, even now, it still does. So I'm trying to look at it, as a blessing in disguise, for now. I haven't decided yet if I'll reapply once we get to Arkansas. Our future seems uncertain there, even now, so making permanent plans isn't really in the cards.

We just moved to Arizona, and I never thought I'd be so sad to leave Texas. I cried! Leaving work and all our friends was horrible. I don't think it was as hard for Kraig. Most of his friends moved on several months ago, and the rest of them are all here in Tucson. Needless to say, it was very sad. I'm hopeful that once we get to Arkansas we can plan a few trips down there to see our friends.

Arizona is wonderful. We went out on Saturday with several friends on a pub trolley, and went into downtown Tucson which actually reminds me a lot of downtown Portland (the brief time that I've spent in Portland). We had so much fun, and I got to meet a few of the other pilot's wives, they were very nice. This new city has started to give me a new outlook on career choices. I'm feeling more optimistic and more positive about my destination. One way or another, I'll find it. Even though it's taken me longer than so many of my peers I have been having so much fun getting there. When I left work in Texas, one of my coworkers, a much older woman that is in her late sixties said to me, "You're going to have a wonderful life, your Momma did a really good job, and you found a nice man that really loves you."  For some reason that makes me tear up. Anyway, my latest venture idea is to open a bakery, I don't want to post what the name of it would be because someone will for sure steal it but trust me, it's adorable. But once again, I dream. Someday, someday.