Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh, sweet memories

Hey, I thought we were supposed to be doing favorite memories from all the houses we lived in? Or was that just a suggestion? Well, I'm running with it.

Shepherd, MT  house 1985-1990: Riding my mom's horse Lightning, feeding our pet ducks, and trying to ride our one horned goat named DJ. Mara telling me that I had to share the spotlight with baby J when she was born.

Orange(ish) house that we lived in when we first moved to Sidney: 1990-?  After putting down our adorable 3 legged dog named Hutch (that could open Christmas presents, and McDonald's cheeseburgers) I wanted another dog, so I pretended to be one until I got one. Jenna has posted about this in a post entitled, "Why I hate cats!"

Blue house 1992 (?)-1995:  Watching Mrs. Skidden hit our street sign with a school bus. Trying to catch rabbits under a box with a carrot tied to a string, posting "Do NOT DISTURB UNDER CONSTRUCTION" signs on Jen and my door while we were rearranging furniture, when Jenna broke the bunk bed ladder, and holding a funeral for "Dracula" a garden spider that my dad killed. Being told to call a boy on our bus named Domanick "DomaDICK" by my dad when he kept bullying me. Mara making us pretend to be her children in grocery stores.

1201 house: My favorite house that my parents ever lived in, I'm not sure why but I loved it. Having wrestling matches with Jenna in our shared room. Roller skating to ace of base in the back storage room when it still had a cement floor, spying on Davey "CROTCH-ett" the weird neighbor kid. And raising a few litters of Sadie's puppies.

Brian Roger's condo - Even though Jenna and I were sent to G&G's that summer while Mara, and my parents lived in the condo while our 2060 house was being built, Jenna and I did stay there for a few weeks out of the summer. Sleeping three a breast on mattresses on the floor, watching the lightning storms out Mom and Dad's windows that summer, ORANGES (teehhehehhe) and going through Mr. Roger's highschool memorabilia (ridiculous). 

2060 Sunflower Lane - the last house that I lived with my parents in. I have a lot of really fun memories in that house, especially with my high school friends (one of my friends repeatedly fell down the stairs, or slipped on the floor in that house).  Backing into a high school boyfriends truck in the driveway. Going on bike rides with Jenna, watching Mara kick a hole in the wall while doing her leg exercises, saying good bye to all of my friends from high school before going to college. Making the toilet overflow in the basement and blaming it on Jenna, and making her work the plunger. ;) Trying to make chocolate cookies and spilling cocoa everywhere. J and I didn't know how to run the washing machine at that point so we washed all the rags by hand and then put them out to dry on the back porch, where they all froze solid. We thought we did a great job cleaning but I specifically remember Mom coming home and coming into the kitchen, looking around, and saying, "What'd you guys do?" we told her we made cookies and cleaned up after ourselves and she said,"Well you did a piss poor job." Changing Mom and Dad's answering machine greeting (see post below entitled "Jordan!!!! Where the eff are you?!") Watching Mara and J play Mancala, and J getting pissed and throwing marbles. Giving my parents dog Riley his first bath when he was a really small puppy, right after we found him.

Oh this is making me all nostalgic. We need to plan a sisters' getaway trip. Mara you pick the location and set a time line and Jen and I will make it work.  And.....break!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hearts, Half-Off

My favorite part of Valentine’s Day? The day after Valentine's Day, when the picked-over hearts and chocolates go on clearance. (Because, as we all know, hearts and teddy plushes are no longer relevant after Feb. 14th. Henceforth one shall only speak of eggs and bunnies.)

I bought a giant peanut butter chocolate heart for a quarter. It was like I was at the General Store, and it was 1950. And the shelves kind of look like they were raided and plundered for a '50s fallout shelter...However this is Walgreen’s, on North Lombard St, so the shelves generally look like it's the height of the apocalypse.
